Monday, November 10, 2008

Just under 4 weeks to go

So, we're getting ready for our trip to Ethiopia, and you would be surprised (or maybe not) how much stuff we have to do to get ready. I went to lunch last Friday with one of the ambassador's to Addis Ababa for the City of Portland. The City, through USAID, sends him over to help set up government programs for the Addis municipal government. I am adding a picture of the place we hope to stay at when we travel south to Awassa. Dilla, just south of Awassa, is the town where Graham came from, so we want to make a video documentary for him to have when he gets older.

If you want to check out the lodge (a former coffee plantation) check out


Erin Sager said...

very exciting...we can't wait to be in your shoes pretty old is your son your adopting?

emarie said...


I like the directions to your lodging. Remember, if you hit Moylae Kenya, you've gone too far!!!


MLS said...

simply fantastic.

Patsy said...

I am sooooooooooooo very Happy for you both..I will be following your BLOG & thats somethin I never thought I'd follow in my lifetime.
Bet Grandpa Don is your guardian Angel on this trip!! (Karen too)
Love Aunt Patsy

beck said...

Ahhh... Brad & Joi!! I am so very excited for you both!! You are both going to be super-D-Duper parents, I can already tell!!! Can't wait to meet your new addition to our family!! Love and miss you both!!
..Happy travels!!....
Love, Becky Jean!