Saturday, November 15, 2008

Seven Months Old Today

Graham turns seven months old today. I am so grateful for every photo and medical update we are provided by the orphanage. A couple of days ago we got a new update on him. He now weighs 7100 grams (15.65 pounds) and is 65 cm in length (25.6 inches). They say that he drinks 180-210ml milk 3 times per day and he has also started supplementary feeding. He sits with support, transfers objects from one hand to other, babbles and reaches for familiar people.

There is another family flying to Ethiopia on 11/20 that is going to the same orphanage. We asked if they would take a photo book to Graham for us and they said that they would. I hope that he will be able to keep the book and be shown our pictures often over the next few weeks so that we will seem a little familiar to him when we get there. I am so excited to hold him in my arms and to see his smile for the first time!


Amber said...

Hi, I hear you are with Adoption Avenues. I look forward to following your journey.


KathrynM_Y said...

Very excited to meet him! Safe travels, if I dont see you beforehand.
-Kathryn Y

KM said...

Thank you for sharing this blog with me. I had chill bumps crawl up my arms as I started reading. Adoption is absolutely the most amazing gift. From day one it's incredible. You look up a couple of years down the road and remember, oh yeah we adopted. And it's amazing how your child comes to you from such a journey.

I will be checking alot! I'm praying for safe travels, healthy baby, and excited parents.
Kristi Miller